Position of adverbs (with example)

Position of adverbs
1. Adverb of Manner
Examples of adverbs of manner are " nicely, beautifully, slowly, carefully, awfully..."
These adverbs come after the direct object or after the verb if there isn't any direct object.
·         He did the work efficiently. (The adverb of manner efficiently comes after the direct object the work.)
·         He drove the lorry carelessly. (The adverb of manner carelessly comes after the direct object the lorry.)
·         He spoke fluently. (The adverb of mannerfluently comes after the verb spoke.)
2. Adverbs of Place
Examples of adverbs of place are "here, there, behind, above..."
Adverbs of place are like adverbs of manner. They come after the direct object or the verb.
·         I met him here. (The adverb of place here comes after the direct object him.)
·         He sat there. (The adverb of place there comes after the verb sat.)
3. Adverbs of Time
Examples of adverbs of time are " recently, now, then, tomorrow, yesterday..."
Adverbs of time are usually put at the end of the sentence but they may also come at the beginning of the sentence.
·         I will show you the house tomorrow.
·         Tomorrow, I will show you the house.
4. Adverbs of Frequency
Examples of adverbs of frequency are "always, never, seldom, usually..."
·         Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb except the main verb "to be":
o    I sometimes visit my uncle.
o    We have often seen him pass by the house.
o    They are seldom at work.
·         Occasionally, sometimes, often, frequently and usually can also go at the beginning or at the end of a sentence:
o    Sometimes, they visit him.
o    I miss him occasionally.
·         Rarely and seldom can also go at the end of a sentence (often with "very"):
o    We see them rarely.


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