Singular number কে plural number-এ পরিবর্তিত করার নিয়ম
Singular number কে plural number-এ পরিবর্তিত করার নিয়ম:-
(Rules to convert
singular number to plural number)
Rule 1:
সাধারণত: Singular number শব্দের শেষে “s” যুক্ত করে Plural Number করা হয়।
Generally, an “s” is
added to the end of the singular number word to change it into a plural number.
Singular | Plural |
Tiger | Tigers |
Book | Books |
Pen | Pens |
Rule 2:
যদি Singular
number শব্দের শেষে s, ss, sh, x বা z থাকে এবং শেষের ch-এর উচ্চারণ চ-এর মত হয় তবে সেসব Singular number-এর শেষে es যোগ করে Plural করা হয়।
If the singular number
word has s, ss, sh, x or z at its end and the pronunciation of the “ch”
situated at the end is like “ch”, then es is added to the end of the singular
number to change it into a plural number.
Singular | Plural |
Glass | Glasses |
Bus | Buses |
Bush | Bushes |
Tax | Taxes |
Topaz | Topazes |
Branch | Branches |
Exception (ব্যতিক্রম):
যদি Singular
number শব্দের শেষের ch-এর উচ্চারণ চ-এর মত না হয়ে ক-এর মত হয় তবে es-এর পরিবর্তে শুধু s যোগ করে Plural করা হয়।
If the pronunciation of
the “ch” situated at the end of the singular number word is like “K”, then only
an s is added to the end of the singular number to change it into a plural
Singular | Plural |
Monarch | Monarchs |
Stomach | Stomachs |
Patriarch | Patriarchs |
Rule 3:
যদি Singular
noun-এর শেষে “O” থাকে এবং “O”-এর পূর্বের বর্ণটি consonant হয় তবে তার শেষে es যোগ করে Plural করা হয়।
If the singular noun has
the letter “O” at its end and a consonant before the letter “O”, then es is
added at its end to make it plural.
Singular | Plural |
Cargo | Cargoes |
Hero | Heroes |
Volcano | Volcanoes |
Exception (ব্যতিক্রম):
তবে এমন কিছু Singular noun আছে যাদের শেষে “O” আছে এবং “O”-এর পূর্বের বর্ণটি consonant হওয়া সত্ত্বেও তাদের শেষে শুধু “s” যুক্ত করে Plural Number করা হয়।
But there are some
singular nouns which have “O” at their end and the letter before “O” are
consonant still, only an “s” is added at their end to make them plural.
Singular | Plural |
Piano | Pianos |
Solo | Solos |
Photo | Photos |
Rule 4:
যদি Singular
noun-এর শেষে “O” থাকে এবং তার পূর্বের বর্ণটি vowel হয় তবে শুধু “s” যুক্ত করে Plural Number করা হয়।
If the singular noun has
an “O” at its end and a vowel before the “O”, only an “s’ is added at its end
to make it plural.
Singular | Plural |
Stereo | Stereos |
Studio | Studios |
Radio | Radios |
Rule 5:
যদি Singular
noun -এর শেষে “y” থাকে এবং “y”-এর পূর্বের বর্ণটি consonant হয় তবে “y”-এর পরিবর্তে ies যোগ করে Plural Number করা হয়।
If the singular noun has
“y” at its end and the letter before “y” is a consonant, ies is added instead
of “y” to change it into the plural.
Singular | Plural |
Hobby | Hobbies |
Army | Armies |
City | Cities |
Exception (ব্যতিক্রম):
তবে “y”-এর পূর্বের বর্ণটি vowel হলে শুধু s যোগ করে Plural করা হয়।
But if the letter before
“y” is a vowel, only an s is added to make it plural.
Singular | Plural |
Toy | Toys |
Day | Days |
Key | Keys |
Rule 6:
Singular number শব্দের শেষে ef, fe এবং f থাকলে ef, fe এবং f এর জায়গায় ves যোগ করে Plural করতে হয়।
If the singular number
word has ef, fe, and f, at its end, ves is added in the place of ef, fe and f
to change it into the plural number.
Singular | Plural |
Thief | Thieves |
Life | Lives |
Leaf | Leaves |
Exception (ব্যতিক্রম):
বেশ কয়েকটি শব্দ আছে যেগুলোর শেষে eef, fe, ff, ief, ife, if,
oof এবং rf আছে এবং এগুলোর শেষে শুধু s যোগ করে Plural করা হয়।
There are some words
which have eef, fe, ff, ief, ife, if, oof and rf at their end and only “s” is
added at their end to make them plural.
Singular | Plural |
Reef | Reefs |
Safe | Safes |
Cliff | Cliffs |
Belief | Beliefs |
Singular | Plural |
Roof | Roofs |
Proof | Proofs |
Dwarf | Dwarfs |
Rule 7:
কিছু Singular
noun-এর মাঝের এক বা একাধিক vowel এবং consonant পরিবর্তন করে Plural করা হয়।
Some singular noun’s one
or more than one vowel and consonant situated in their middle are changed to
make them plural.
Singular | Plural |
Foot | Feet |
Tooth | Teeth |
Man | Men |
Woman | Women |
Mouse | Mice |
Rule 8:
কিছু singular
noun-এর শেষে en বা ren যোগ করে Plural করা হয়।
There are some singular
nouns which are made plural by adding en or ren at their end.
Singular | Plural |
Brother | Brethren |
Ox | Oxen |
Child | Children |
Rule 9:
Compound noun-এর প্রধান nounটির শেষে s যোগ করে কিংবা মাঝের vowel পরিবর্তন করে Plural করা হয়।
Either an s is added to
the end of the compound noun’s main noun or vowels situated in the middle are
changed to make it plural.
Singular | Plural |
Sister-in-law | Sisters-in-law |
Father-in-law | Fathers-in-law |
Passer-by | Passers-by |
Washer-man | Washer-men |
Maid-servant | Maid-servants |
Singular | Plural |
Step-daughter | Step-daughters |
Rule 10:
যেসব Compound
noun-এ হাইফেন(-) নেই তাদের শেষে s যোগ করে Plural করা হয়।
The compound nouns which
don’t have hyphens (-) are made plural by adding an s at their end.
Singular | Plural |
Spoonful | Spoonfuls |
Armchair | Armchairs |
Bookcase | Bookcases |
Handful | Handfuls |
Rule 11:
কিছু compound
noun-এর ক্ষেত্রে হাইফেন(-)-এর উভয় পাশের noun-কেই শেষে s যোগ করে অথবা মাঝের vowel পরিবর্তন করে Plural করা হয়।
In case of some compound
nouns “s” is added to nouns situated both sides of the hyphen (-) or vowels
situated in the middle are changed to make it plural.
Singular | Plural |
Knight-templar | Knights-templars |
Woman-servant | Women-servants |
Man-servant | Men-servants |
Lord-justice | Lords-justices |
Rule 12:
কিছু singular
noun-এর plural form-ও একই হয়।
Some singular nouns are
same in their plural form.
Singular | Plural |
Dozen | Dozen |
Deer | Deer |
Sheep | Sheep |
Gross | Gross |
Pair | Pair |
Rule 13:
collective noun দেখতে singular হলেও plural হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Some collective nouns
look like singular noun but are used as a plural. Such as mankind, public,
people, cattle, poultry, vermin, gentry, majority.
Rule 14:
কিছু common
noun দেখতে singular হলেও plural হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Some common nouns look
like singular noun but are used as a plural. Such as the pious, the poor, the
virtuous, the rich, etc.
o The pious know how to be patient.
o The rich are generally money minded.
Rule 15:
কিছু noun দেখতে plural হলেও singular হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Some nouns look like
plural noun but are used as a singular. Such as politics, mathematics,
statistics, physics, news, economics, wages, etc.
o Physics is an interesting subject.
o This news is really good.
Rule 16:
কিছু noun সবসময় singular হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Some nouns are always
used as singular numbers. Such as money, business, alphabet, information, hair,
o Your business is really profitable.
o Her hair is curly.
Rule 17:
কিছু noun সবসময় plural হিসেবে ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Some nouns are always
used as plural numbers. Such as Billiards (খেলা),
Draughts (খেলা), Measles (হাম যা একটি রোগ), Mumps (গাল গলা ফোলা রোগ), trousers (পাজামা), scissors (কাঁচি),
spectacles (চশমা), etc.
o His spectacles are broken.
o Karim’s trousers are black.
Rule 18:
বর্ণ, সংখ্যা এবং কোনকিছুর সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপকে Plural করতে (apostrophe)‘s ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Apostrophe (‘) and s are
used to make the plural of letters, numbers, and abbreviations.
o MBA’s will definitely attend this program.
o There are five 2’s in this picture.
Rule 19:
কিছু noun
singular এবং plural হিসেবে ভিন্ন অর্থ প্রকাশ করে।
Some nouns express
different meanings as singular and plural.
Singular | Plural |
Force (শক্তি) | Forces (সৈন্যবাহিনী) |
Good (ভালো) | Goods (মালপত্র) |
Wood (কাঠ) | Woods (বন) |
Sand (বালু) | Sands (মরুভূমি) |
Advice (উপদেশ) | Advices (সংবাদ) |
Physic (চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞান) | Physics (পদার্থবিদ্যা) |
Rule 20:
বিভিন্ন রকম singular
pronoun-এর plural রূপ বিভিন্ন।
Different singular
pronouns have different pronoun forms. They are stated below:
o Subjective pronoun forms:
Singular | Plural |
I | We |
You | You |
S/he | They |
It | It |
This | These |
Singular | Plural |
That | Those |
o Possessive pronoun forms:
Singular | Plural |
My | Our |
Your | Your |
Mine | Mine |
His/her | Their |
Its | Their |
o Objective pronoun forms:
Singular | Plural |
Me | Us |
You | You |
Her/him | Them |
Rule 21:
সাধারণত: material noun-এর plural হয় না।
Generally, material nouns
don’t have a plural form. Such as gold, silver, copper, salt, water, sugar,
Rule 22:
Abstract noun-এর plural হয় না।
Abstract nouns don’t have
a plural form. Such as honesty, charity, hope, kindness, love, etc.
Rule 23:
বিদেশী ভাষা থেকে এসেছে এমন কিছু উল্লেখযোগ্য শব্দের plural রূপ:
Some mentionable words’
(which are derived from foreign language) plural form:
Singular | Plural |
Radius | Radii |
Oasis | Oases |
Genus | Genera |
Forum | Forums |
Focus | Focuses |
Crisis | Crises |
Singular | Plural |
Medium | Media |
Agendum | Agenda |
Singular | Plural |
Analysis | Analyses |
Axis | Axes |
Basis | Bases |
Curriculum | Curricula |
Formula | Formulas |
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