Adverb of time

যে adverb কোনকিছু কাজ/ঘটনা কখন/কোন সময়ে ঘটেছে তা বর্ণনা বা উল্লেখ করে তাকে Adverb of time বলে এটা sentence এর প্রথমে অথবা শেষে ব্যবহৃত হয়

An adverb which tell us when somewhat is done is called Adverb of time.
It can be used at the opening or the end of a sentence.

Adverbs of time: today, Yesterday, afterward, always, immediately, last
month, now, soon, etc are common.


    I will go to the varsity today.

    Always speak the truth.

   I should go there immediately.

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