Adjective of number ( সংখ্যা বাচক বিশেষণ )
of number (সংখ্যা বাচক বিশেষণ): যে Adjective দ্বারা Noun বা pronoun এর সংখ্যাসংখ্যা বুঝায় তাকে Adjective
of number বলে।
যেমন:- Two, three, four, first, second, third, Single, double,
triple, etc. ইত্যাদি।
numeric descriptive word is utilized to express the number or request of thing
or pronoun.
is the principal kid in the class.
She can drink two cups
of tea at a time.
The owner of the house does not
rent the room to the single
of number (সংখ্যা বাচক বিশেষণ): যে Adjective দ্বারা Noun বা pronoun এর সংখ্যাসংখ্যা বুঝায় তাকে Adjective
of number বলে।
যেমন:- Two, three, four, first, second, third, Single, double,
triple, etc. ইত্যাদি।
numeric descriptive word is utilized to express the number or request of thing
or pronoun.
is the principal kid in the class.
She can drink two cups
of tea at a time.
The owner of the house does not
rent the room to the single
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