What is a Collective Noun?

collective noun is a word
that refers to a set or group of people, animals or things.

Collective Nouns are sometimes called Group

Collective nouns are often followed by OF +

e.g. a bunch of flowers, a flock of seagulls,
a set of tools.

of people working together

Staff: the
people who work in a company or place of work.

Cast: the actors in a certain movie or play.

Company: a group of actors that usually perform together in
different plays.

Crew: all the working members on a ship or plane.

Team: a group of individuals playing on the same side generally
with the same objectives.

Platoon: a group of soldiers being commanded by a lieutenant.

of people in general

Gang: a
group of organized criminals

Crowd: a group of people, gathered together

Throng: a busy group of people or animals

Mob: A large disorderly crowd

Movement: a group of (generally young) people with similar
tendencies for political/musical/social factors affecting them. For example The
Punk Movement

Party: a group of political people that have been organized with an

of animals and insects

Herd: a
herd of cows, a herd of goats, a herd of deer

Flock: A flock of sheep, a flock of birds

Shoal / School: a shoal of fish, a school of fish

Swarm: a swarm of bees (swarm is used for a group of flying

Pack: a pack of wolves, a pack of dogs

Litter: a litter of kittens (usually of baby animals)

Gaggle: a gaggle of geese

Pride: a pride of lions

of things

Stack: a
stack of chairs, a stack of books, a stack of work, a stack of plates

Set: a set of tools, a set of underwear, a set of compasses, a set
of cutlery

Pile / Heap: a pile of clothes, a heap of bodies.

Bunch: a bunch of flowers, a bunch of grapes, a bunch of bananas.

Bundle: a bundle of newspapers, a bundle of sticks, a bundle of nothing.

Batch: a batch of homebrew, a batch of letters, a batch of recruits.

Stash: a stash of cash, a stash of beer, a stash of weapons. (usually
the things are hidden)

Fleet: a fleet of ships

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