Type of sentence in English.

Type of Sentence, Basic Type of Sentence, What are sentence?

Sentences: Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound - Complex

Type of Sentence

Sentence Types

All of these sentence types further fall into four basic sentence type categories in English.

·         Simple

·         Compound

·         Complex

·         Compound - Complex

Simple Sentence

A simple sentence, also called an independent clause, contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. In the following simple sentences, subjects are in yellow, and verbs are in green.

1. Some students like to study in the mornings.

2. Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon.

3. Alicia goes to the library and studies every day.

The three examples above are all simple sentences. Note that sentence 2 contains a compound subject, and sentence 3 contains a compound verb. Simple sentences, therefore, contain a subject and verb and express a complete thought, but they can also contain compound subjects or verbs.

Compound Sentence

A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (Helpful hint: The first letter of each of the coordinators spells FANBOYS.) Except for very short sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma. In the following compound sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the coordinators and the commas that precede them are in red.

1. I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English.

2. Alejandro played football, so Maria went shopping.

3. Alejandro played football, for Maria went shopping.

The above three sentences are compound sentences. Each sentence contains two independent clauses, and they are joined by a coordinator with a comma preceding it. Note how the conscious use of coordinators can change the meaningof the sentences. Sentences 2 and 3, for example, are identical except for the coordinators. In sentence 2, which action occurred first? Obviously, "Alejandro played football" first, and as a consequence, "Maria went shopping." In sentence 3, "Maria went shopping" first. In sentence 3, "Alejandro played football" because, possibly, he didn't have anything else to do, for or because "Maria went shopping." How can the use of other coordinators change the relationship between the two clauses? What implications would the use of "yet" or "but" have on the meaning of the sentence?

Complex Sentence

A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. A complex sentence always has a subordinator such as because, since, after, although, or when (and many others) or a relative pronoun such as that, who, or which. In the following complex sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the subordinators and their commas (when required) are in red.

1. When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last page.

2. The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.

3. The students are studying because they have a test tomorrow.

4. After they finished studying, Juan and Maria went to the movies

5. Juan and Maria went to the movies after they finished studying.

When a complex sentence begins with a subordinator such as sentences 1 and 4, a comma is required at the end of the dependent clause. When the independent clause begins the sentence with subordinators in the middle as in sentences 2, 3, and 5, no comma is required. If a comma is placed before the subordinators in sentences 2, 3, and 5, it is wrong.

Note that sentences 4 and 5 are the same except sentence 4 begins with the dependent clause which is followed by a comma, and sentence 5 begins with the independent clause which contains no comma. The comma after the dependent clause in sentence 4 is required, and experienced listeners of English will oftenhear a slight pause there. In sentence 5, however, there will be no pause when the independent clause begins the sentence.

Compound - Complex Sentences

Compound - complex sentences contain at least one dependent clause and more than one independent clause. The clauses are connected by both conjunctions (i.e., but, so, and, etc.) and subordinators (i.e., who, because, although, etc.)


John, who briefly visited last month, won the prize, and he took a short vacation.
Jack forgot his friend's birthday, so he sent him a card when he finally remembered.
The report which Tom compiled was presented to the board, but it was rejected because it was too complex.

Complex Sentences / Adjective Clauses

Finally, sentences containing adjective clauses (or dependent clauses) are also complex because they contain an independent clause and a dependent clause. The subjects, verbs, and subordinators are marked the same as in the previous sentences, and in these sentences, the independent clauses are also underlined.

1. The woman who called my mom sells cosmetics.

2. The book that Jonathan read is on the shelf.

3. The house which Abraham Lincoln was born in is still standing.

4. The town where I grew up is in the United States.

Adjective Clauses are studied in this site separately, but for now it is important to know that sentences containing adjective clauses are complex.


A declarative sentence "declares" or states a fact, arrangement or opinion. Declarative sentences can be either positive or negative. A declarative sentences ends with a period (.).


I'll meet you at the train station.
The sun rises in the East.
He doesn't get up early.


The imperative form instructs (or sometimes requests). The imperative takes no subject as 'you' is the implied subject. The imperative form ends with either a period (.) or an exclamation point (!).


Open the door.
Finish your homework
Pick up that mess.


The interrogative asks a question. In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb precedes the subject which is then followed by the main verb (i.e., Are you coming ....?). The interrogative form ends with a question mark (?).


How long have you lived in France?
When does the bus leave?
Do you enjoy listening to classical music?


The exclamatory form emphasizes a statement (either declarative or imperative) with an exclamation point (!).


Hurry up!
That sounds fantastic!
I can't believe you said that!

5 Type of Sentence

sentence is a group of words that is used to say something, to ask something, or to tell somebody to do something. It gives enough information for a person to form a complete idea in his mind of the message that is being communicated to him. There are five kinds of sentences as follow:

1) Declarative Sentences: Sentences that make statements.


- That isn’t the way to do it.

- I have two brothers and one sister.

- Canada and the United States are neighbors.

2) Interrogative Sentences: Sentences that ask questions.


- What are you doing?

- Where will you go tomorrow?

- Can I see her?

3) Imperative Sentences: Sentences that give commands or make requests.


- Don’t be lazy!

- Mind your business!

- Come and have a cup of tea.

4) Exclamatory Sentences: Sentences that are in the form of exclamations.


- What a lovely day it is!

- How marvelous!

- How pretty she is!

5) Optative Sentence: Some grammarians recognize a fifth sentence type, the Optative Sentence. Optative sentences express wishes.


- May you live a long and happy life together.

- God save you!

- Peace be upon him.

ü Optative sentences formed with May are found mainly in a very formal way.

ü Optative sentences like God save you! uses a special form of the verb in which there is no –s ending.

God save… (not God saves…)

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