
ADVERBS (Positive, Comparative and Superlative Degrees)

Degrees of Comparison - Usage:

(a) Positive degree.

The Positive Degree is used to denote the mere existence of quality. In affirmative sentence, we use as….as and in negative sentence as/so…as.

Positive sentence as…as.
He drove as carefully as he could.
India is as powerful as America.
He is not as intelligent as this boy.
The black car is as fast as the red car.
Alex is as tall as Jeck.
This copy is as bad as the other one.
Binta is as optimistic as Delsy.
The tomato soup was as delicious as the mushroom soup.
Nil is as brave as Forter.
Negative sentence as/so…as.
You didn’t work so hard as he did.
His pronunciation is not so good as yours.
Komal is not so beautiful as Riya.
Pintu’s dog is not so big as Chintu’s dog.

(b) Comparative degree.

The Comparative Degree is used to compare the qualities of two persons or things. We use than here.

We reached the station earlier than they did.
Our new teacher speaks more clearly than our pervious teacher.
The train runs faster than the bus.
I am richer than he.
Richard is taller than My friend.
India is more powerful than Pakistan.
She is more beautiful girl than Elena.
They are later than my father.
His marks are lower than mine.
Her walk is slower than mine.
She is braver than other girls.
I have more mangos than he.
She likes him more than me.

(c) Superlative degree.

The Superlative Degree is used when more than two nouns or things are compared. Here we use the superlative degree+noun or pronoun.


George fought best of all (soldiers).
I like football most of all (games).
Rohan is the strongest boy in his class.
Milan is the tallest boy.
India is the more powerful.
She is the most beautiful girl in the class.
His marks are the lowest in the class.
Robert is the richest man in town.
That shade of pink is the most beautiful color.
This is the longest song that I have ever heard.

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