Rules of Tense

1. যেশব্দ গুলো থাকলে present indefinite tense হবে: sometimes, often, usually, ocationally, every+time (hour, day, year etc.), now and then, always, seldom, daily, regularly. যেমন:
I often take tea.
They usually play in the morning.
2. যে শব্দ গুলো থাকলে present continous tense হবে: today, this morning, this evening, at this moment, now, continually, constantly, perpetually. যেমন:
My father is comming this evening.
They are playing now.
3.যে শব্দ গুলো থাকলে present perfect tense হবে: just, just now, recently, lately, already, so far, yet*, ever* (*present perfect + negative/interogative). যেমন:
Just now he ___ his dinner but he says he will see you when she is finished (24th BCS).
(a. is having, b. has had, c. was having, d. had ) Ans: b
I have had my MA recently.
4. যে শব্দ গুলো থাকলে past indefinite tense হবে: yesterday, long ago, ago, long since, last+time (last night, last year etc.), just+time+ago . যেমন:
I met the principal yesterday.
I passed the SSC in 1995.
He said that he ___ the previous day (29th BCS). (a. , b. , c. , d. was burning ) Ans: b
5. Before / after :
a. (future/present/past)perfect+ before/by the time +(present/past) indefinite.
He had written the book before he ____ (28th BCS). (a. retired, b. had retired, c. has retired, d. will be retired ) Ans: a
b. (present/past) indefinite + after+ (present/past) perfect. যেমন:
She told me his name after he ___ (25th BCS). (a. left, b. had left, c. has left, d. has been leaving ) Ans: b
6. If conditions:
present indefinite + if + shall / will / can
past indefinite + if + would / could
past perfect + if + would have / could have
যেমন: had I been a king, I would have done this.
if কোথায় থাকল সেটা বড় ব্যাপার নয়, (+) এরপূর্বের অংশ দেখে পরের অংশ বা পরের অংশ দেখে পূর্বের অংশ করতে হবে
অনেক সময় had main verb হিসাবে ব্যাবহার হয় যেমন:
If I had a laptop, I would open a facebook account.
What would have happened if__ (27th BCS).
(a. the bridge is broken, b. the bridge would broken, c. the bridge had broken, d. the bridge has been broken ) Ans: c
7. as if , as though, wish, it is time, it is high time.
এতদের দ্বারা দুটি ক্লজ যুক্ত হলে পূর্বে present indefinite থাকলে পরে past form এবং to be verb এর স্থলে were বসে
এতদের দ্বারা দুটি ক্লজ যুক্ত হলে পূর্বে past form থাকলে পরে past perfect এবং to be verb এর স্থলে had been বসে যেমন:
Rishan walks as if he ___ lame (30th BCS). (a. is, b. had been, c. has, d. were ) Ans: b
8. past indefinite + past perfect: কোন sentence একটি দেখে অন্যটি করতে হয়। যেমন:
HR said that he had done the sum.
9. past continuous + past indefinite: কোন sentence একটি দেখে অন্যটি করতে হয়। যেমন:
I was reading the book when she came.
Neela ____ her hand when she was cooking dinner (26th BCS). (a. is burring, b. burnt, c. will burn, d. was burning ) Ans: b soon as , till , untill দ্বারা যুক্ত দটি ক্লজে একটি past indefinite থাকলে আপরটিও past indefinite হয়
#past indefinite +( as soon as , till , untill) + past indefinite.
I went there as soon as she came.
I opened the door as soon as I ___ the bell (24th BCS). (a. have heard, b. was hearing, c. am heard, d. heard ) Ans: d
We waited until the plain ____ (23rd BCS)(a. did not take off, b. took off, c. has not taken off, d. had taken off ) Ans: b
11. Since / for + time থাকলে present perfect / present perfect continuous হয়। present perfect continuous বেশি গ্রহণ যোগ্য।(সময় গোনা গেলে for , গোনানা গেলে since হয়). যেমন:
Choose the correct sentence– (a. what are you doing for the last three hours, b. what have you been doing for the last three hours, c. what did you doing for the last three hours, d. what had you done for the last three hours ) Ans: b
12. while + continuous tense: sentense দেখে কোন continuous tense সেটা ঠিক করতে হবে. যেমন:
He shouts at his wife while he is walking on the road.
Do not make a noise while your father___(24th & 26th BCS). (a. is sleeping, b. has slept, c. a sleep, d. is being a sleep ) Ans: a
My uncle arrived while I ___ the dinner (24th BCS). (a. would cook, b. had cooked, c. cook, d. was cooking ) Ans: d
13. Tense আর একটি রুল হল sence এরভিত্তিতে করা। কখনও কখনও এমন কিছু sentence আসবে যেখানে শুধু sence অনুযায়ীকাজ করতে হবে। যেমন:
* when
এর পর কখনও future tense বসেনা। *hardly থাকলে এর পর when/before বসে
I. Only after I ______ home, did I remember my doctor’s appointment (28th BCS). (a. going, b. go, c. went, d. gone ) Ans: c
II. As the sun ______ I decided to go out (24th & 26th BCS). (a. has shown, b. shine, c. shines, d. was shining ) Ans: d
III. We (not have) a holiday since the beginning of the year (13th BCS). (a. did not have , b. have not had, c. are not have, d. had not had ) Ans: d
IV. Next August Lata and Tanim _____ for 10 years. (a. are married, b. have been married, c. will marry, d. will have been married ) Ans: d
V. I’ll phone you when I _______ the news. (a. am getting, b. get, c. will get, d. will be getting ) Ans: b
VI. No sooner had we reached the station ____ the train left. (a. when , b. then, c. than, d. which ) Ans: c
VII. Hardly had the train stoped___ (a. before we got down, b. as we got down, c. then we got down, d. when we got down ) Ans: d
VIII. A reward has been announced for the employees who ____ hard. (a. have worked, b. has worked, c. will be work, d. have had work ) Ans: a

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