A Street Beggar
A Street Beggar A street beggar is a person
who begs from door to door for his/her livelihood. It is a common but pathetic
sight in our country. We often see- street beggars around us. But they are
found almost everywhere in cities and towns. A street beggar is usually an old,
blind, crippled, or disabled person. He is usually found in torn or patched
clothes. Sometimes he begs alone walking from one village to another. And
sometimes we see a number of beggars begging together from our door to another
in-group. In the villages, beggars usually use a begging bag that they hang
from their left or right shoulders. But in the cities or towns, beggars usually
use a plate that they hold out to receive alms when someone moves to give a
coin or a taka. Most of the beggars sing a religious song or verse to draw the
attention of people. Sometimes they beg to form a company of five or more
beggars who sing the chorus to move the mind of the people. It is true that
beggars are mostly poor and people are moved seeing their miserable condition
of life. In many cases we see beggars suffering from fatal diseases that move
people. When out of kindness people give alms to beggars, they pray to the
Almighty for their benefit. But sometimes some beggars cheat people in the
guise of a beggar, especially in the city areas. As a result, people living in
the cities and towns have grown a mind to suspect beggars. Anyway, begging is
never a good way to earn a livelihood. And no one wants to become a beggar. So
the rich and wealthy people of the society should come forward to solve this
problem. The government has also a great role to remove this curse from society
because begging is simply unproductive and it causes wastage of human
resources. Finally, a beggar himself should try for a better profession
according to his own capability.
—- Kazal Brothers Limited, Class 11-12
A Street Beggar
Begging is to take or demand anything from
others free of cost. The man who begs in the street is a street beggar. He is
also a familiar person like a street hawker. A beggar is seen almost ever
where-village or town. But a street beggar’s nestling place Rt) is in cities
and towns. In order to draw the attention of the walkers (9f9,t5TM) he
generally makes a peculiar sound. He sometimes quotes from the holy Quran,
sometimes sings any Islamic lore or another folklore, and holds out kr:41) his
begging or curved plate to the givers. The more he gets the more he is happy.
He sometimes begs in a group and sometimes alone. He as well as his family lead
a sub-human life. He has no expected income, expected life, and lifestyle. He
can meet his basic need no how. So his life is in.dignified and careful.
Therefore, in spite of his touching and moving makeup, get up, and pose. he is
a man below the poverty line. He becomes only a burden of the country. He is a
burden for himself at first.
—– Fundamental of Learning
English, Class 9-10
A Street Beggar
A street beggar is a common man in the
streets of the villages or towns. Sometimes he is found standing by the
roadside with a begging bowl in the hand and begging the passers-by. Sometimes
he is found in the market asking the people for alms. He is often found in the
buses, launches, or trains reciting verses from the holy books. By this, he
sometimes draws the mercy of the people. A street beggar puts on dirty and torn
—- Oxford Methods of learning
Communicative English Grammar, Class-8
A Street Beggar
A street beggar begs in the street. He or she
is a well-known person to all. Everywhere in the street, he is seen to beg.
Most of the time in front of big shopping malls, busy roads on the entrance of
mosques or temples are the favorite places for them. His dress is dirty and
torn. He utters painful words to attract passers-by. Sometimes he begs walking
with his bowl and asks for money in the name of Allah. He prays for those who
give him money. He silently leaves the place if anyone refuses to give him
money. He leads a miserable life. He lives on the charity of others. He has no
home. He sleeps on the street or under the open sky. We should be kind to the
real street beggars.
—- An Easy Communicative English Grammar & Composition with Model Question, Class- 6
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